

We’re here to assist you and help you with setting the perfect way up.


Together, our objective is to make your company grow. Whether it is a one-man show, or a group of companies, ConsultSmart is here to assist.


So – what do we do exactly? I think our logo explains a lot already!


  • The little person in our logo… that’s us. We are here to assist. With our experts remote, or in-house,… or both!
  • The lines in the logo, they represent the way the world and business work. Yes, we go for the perfect way up, but that does not mean it will be a straight line to the top. We will make some loops and turns and go up and down. But you will see later, why we have taken those, and how they will make your company grow.



    • The dot on the ‘I’ – represents many things.


      • I for ideas.Because that is what we will provide you with. We will not tell you what to do, nor how to run your business. We are here to present you with ideas, as outsiders, with a different view. Up to you to decide which ideas to take up, which ones to try and which one eventually to implement.
      • The I for information. We take information in, we process it. and provide feedback. And we do the same in the other direction. We provide you with information, with which you can work, and you give us feedback.
      • The I for informing. We can assist you in providing information to your people, sharing thoughts and ideas and translating them into a workable input for the people who are in the frontlines.
      • The I for implementation. We assist you in implementing new ideas, strategies, or tools, to help your business grow, because let’s be honest, we are all here to make money, and as an entrepreneur, you want your company to grow and evolve.
      • The I for I do not know. Yes, that’s true… sometimes there are things that we do not know either, and that is why we have a great team of experts in various fields, backing us up with all their knowledge and expertise.
      • The I for Interim. Indeed, we can also offer interim management in case you'd need a temprary solution, replacement or somebody to help your team on the way.
      • The I for Interested!Are you interested to get to know more about ConsultSmart, and about what we could do for eachother? Let’s sit down and have a talk!



This is ConsultSmart… The perfect way up!